مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

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مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

    امتحان لطلاب الصف الثالث الاعدادى 2011 ترم ثانى

    عضو فعال
    عضو فعال

    عدد المساهمات : 114
    نقاط : 57391
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2009
    العمر : 49

    امتحان لطلاب الصف الثالث الاعدادى  2011 ترم ثانى  Empty امتحان لطلاب الصف الثالث الاعدادى 2011 ترم ثانى

    مُساهمة من طرف atwa الأحد مايو 22, 2011 4:48 am

    Model exam
    Question 1: (A) Complete the following statements:
    1) The electric current generated from a dynamo is due to converting ..........
    ............................ energy to ...................................... energy.
    2) There are two types of electric current, ................. and.................
    3) ............. is used to measure the current intensity and its unit is known as...........
    4) .................. is the reaction between an acid and an alkali to form salt and water.
    (B) Give reasons for the following :-
    *It is better to use the alternating current rather than the direct current.
    *The voltameter is connected to both poles of the battery in the electric circuit.
    * The growth takes place to some persons in the bones of their limps, which make them giants
    * Mendel select the pea plant to conduct his experiments.
    * Pancreas is a double function gland.
    C) the potential different is 3 volts as in the figure, calculate the electric current intensity in each resistance

    Question 2 : (A )Write the scientific terms for each of the following
    1) A science that researches the transmission of the hereditary traits from one generation to another by the studying the similarity and difference between the parents and the offspring.
    2) They are parts of DNA on the chromosomes and control the hereditary traits of the individual.
    3) The flow of electric charges in a conductor.
    4) The obstruction the electric current during its flow in the conductor.
    5) The breaking up of the molecules of the reactants and the forming of new coherences.
    (B ) What is meant by each of the following: --
    *The gene:
    *mutations :
    * Volt:
    * Diabetes:
    (C ) Compare between each of the following: -
    1) The dominant trait and the recessive one with giving examples.
    2) Oxidation and oxidizing agent from the point of the meaning of each one
    3)testis and ovaries from the point of produced hormone and the function
    *Compare between direct current and alternating current
    from the point of:
    1-Defination of each one 2-The field of using
    Question 3 ( A ) Choose the suitable answer from between the brackets :-
    1). Direct current can be produced form
    (electrochemical cells — electric generators — electric power stations)
    2) ……… is the measuring unit of the electric charges
    (Coulomb — ampere — volt)
    3) The hormone releases the needed energy from the food stuffs
    (growth — esterogen — thyroxin)
    4) The hormone responsible for producing secondary sexual male
    characteristics is the hormone.
    (progesterone -testosterone — adrenalin)
    5) The electric resistance is measured by …….. unit
    (ampere - ohm -volt -coulomb)
    (B ) You have four similar electric cells, the potential difference of each 1.2 volt, show by diagram the method of connection together to obtain a battery its electromotive force
    1- 1.2 volt 2- 4.8 volt 3- 2.4 volt
    (C) By using labeled diagram show the relation between the hormone secretion which activate thyroid gland and thyroxin hormone
    Question4 :(A) 2 Put (✔) in front of the correct statements and correct the underlined words in the false ones:
    a. The genetic mutation occurs as a result of the change in the sequence of nitrogenous bases of the gene.( )
    b. Genes are parts of DNA found in the cytoplasm of the cell.( )
    c. Mutation in the somatic cells is transmitted to offspring.( )
    d. Each gene is distinguished by a code represented by a specific sequence of nitrogenous bases that are arranged in groups of two.( )
    e. The dynamo produces alternating electric current. ( )
    (B) *Write the balanced chemical equations express the following chemical reactions:
    1-Adding magnesium to copper sulphate solution
    2-Ading zinc to dilute hydrochloric acid
    3-Heating sodium nitrate
    (c ) *Calculate the potential difference of the two ends of a vacuum cleaner whose resistance is 22 Ohm and the current intensity passing through it is 10 Ampere.

    d) Identify the process of oxidization, reduction, oxidizing factor and reducing factor in each of the following reactions:
    2 Li + Pb+2 Li+1 + Pb
    CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس ديسمبر 05, 2024 12:51 pm