مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

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مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

    exam for primary six 2nd term 2011

    عضو فعال
    عضو فعال

    عدد المساهمات : 114
    نقاط : 57391
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2009
    العمر : 49

    exam for primary six  2nd term 2011 Empty exam for primary six 2nd term 2011

    مُساهمة من طرف atwa الثلاثاء مايو 17, 2011 5:21 am

    مديرية التربية والتعليم بسوهاج
    ادارة البلينـــــــــــــا التعليميــــة
    مدرسة برديس التجريبية للغات
    امتحان الصف السادس الإبتدائى (الفصل الدراسى الثانى) 2010-2011م
    المادة : العلوم (Science ) الزمن : ساعة ونصف
    لاحظ أن الأسئلة فى ورقة واحدة من صفحتين
    Answer the following Questions
    Question 1: Complete the following statements:-
    1) ….......….. and ….......….. are examples of the first class levers.
    2)..................., ...................and ................... are some of the dangers of the electricity
    3) The light bulb consists of ..................., ................... and ....................
    4) ….......….. occurs when the ….......….. comes between the sun ray and a part or whole of the moon.
    5) * The electric shock occurs as a result of the passing of ..................... through the human body.
    Question 2: Choose the correct answer from between the brackets:-
    1) All the following are from the 3rd class lever except
    1- Wheel barrow. 2- Fish hook. 3- Manual broom. 4- Sweat holder.
    2) ………is a good conductor of electricity?
    1- Iron 2- Plastic 3-Wood
    3) Transpiration is a bioprocess where the plant is .................. water
    ( gaining. - absorbing. - losing. )
    4) Root hair absorbs water by: ....................
    1. Swallowing 2. Osmosis 3. Voluntarily feature

    باقى الأسئلة فى الصفحة التالية

    صفحة رقم 2
    Question 3 (A) Give reason for each of the following:
    1- The phenomena of solar and lunar eclipse are regularly repeated and can be predicted.
    2. The filament of the light bulb is made of tungsten.
    3. We can not see the sun completely during the total solar eclipse.
    4. In houses the electric lamps are connected in parallel.
    5. We should not look at the sun by the naked eye.
    (B) What happens in each case of the following?
    1- There are no stomata in the plant leaves.
    2- The light bulbs in the house are connected in series.
    3- You place the electric heater too close to furniture and rugs.
    Question 4: Write the scientific term for each of the following:.
    1- A rigid bar rotates on a fixed point, and is affected by a force and resistance.
    2. Fires that occur as a result of the increase in the temprature of electric devices.
    3- Materials not allowing the electric current passing through it.
    4. The way to convert the electric energy to lighting.
    5- The way where the bulbs are connected by branching routes and the lighting of the lamps is not affected with the increase in their number.
    6. Plant loses water in the form of water vapor.
    Question 5: Correct the following sentences:
    1- The electric fire occurs due to the passage of the electric current through the human body.
    2- We can see the sun completely in the partial eclipse
    3- Stomata spread on the upper surface of the plant’s leaves
    4- Plant roots are surrounded by two guard cells.
    5- *Root hairs secret solid substances which help in water absorbation.
    (B) Compare between each of the following:
    Solar and lunar eclipses.

    Good Luck

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس ديسمبر 05, 2024 12:39 pm