مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

    اسئلة للصف الخامس الابتدائى مع الاجابة

    عضو فعال
    عضو فعال

    عدد المساهمات : 114
    نقاط : 55181
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2009
    العمر : 49

    اسئلة للصف الخامس الابتدائى مع الاجابة Empty اسئلة للصف الخامس الابتدائى مع الاجابة

    مُساهمة من طرف atwa الخميس مارس 25, 2010 11:04 pm

    Question one: Complete the following:
    1- Urinary system consists of ………, ……… and ……… .
    kidney – ureters – urinary bladder

    2- The two kidneys have ……… shape and exist in ……… cavity.
    bean – abdomen

    3- The waste materials can be ……… or ……… or ……… .
    gases – liquids – solids
    4- The two ureters transfer ……… to ……… .
    urine – urinary bladder

    5- The body gets rid of carbon dioxide and water vapour by ……… .
    6- Nitrogen wastes include……… and ……… .
    uria – uric acid
    7- The body can get rid of exess salt by ……… through ……… .
    skin – sweat
    8- The solid waste materials are stored in ……… .
    large intestines

    9- Sweat increases in ……… .
    Question two: Write one function for:
    1- The kidney
    Filters blood from urine
    2- The ureter
    Transfers urine to urinary bladder.
    3- The urinary bladder.
    Keeps the urine temporary.
    4- Large intestines.
    Store solid waste materials.
    5- Sweat gland.
    Filters sweat and excess salts.
    Question three: Give reasons for:
    1- We should not keep waste materials inside our body.
    Because body will not use them and they are dangerous and poisons.
    2- Skin has a role in excretion.
    Because it helps in getting rid of excess salts.
    3- Two kidneys are the most important organ in urinary system.
    Because they filter the urine from blood.
    4- We shouldn't keep urine in our body for long time.
    Because it is dangerous substance that harms the body.
    5- The sweat has a salty taste.
    Because it contains excess salts from body.
    6- We should avoid spicy food.
    To keep the urinary system healthy.
    Question four: Write scientific term:
    1- Process of getting rid of waste materials outside of body.
    3- The gland that filters sweat from blood.
    Sweat gland
    4- Two glands of bean shaped exist inside cavity of abdomen near the backbone.
    Two kidneys
    5- The organ that gets rid of carbon dioxide and water vapour.
    Question one: Complete the following:

    1- The circulatory system consists of ………, ………and ……… .
    heart – blood vessels – blood
    2- The heart consists of ……… chambers.
    3- The heart consists of ……… sides.

    4- The heart is a ……… muscular organ.
    5- The upper room of heart is called ……… while the lower room is called ……… .
    atrium – ventricle
    6- The ……… separates atrium from ventricle.
    7- The heart pumps ……… to all body parts.
    8- The heart pulses are called ……… .
    heart beats
    9- The blood vessels are divided into ………, ……… and ……… .
    arteries – veins – blood capillaries
    10- The artery transfers blood from ……… to ……… .
    heart – body parts
    11- The vein transfers blood from ……… to ……… .
    body parts – heart
    12- The blood capillaries spread in all ……… and ……… .
    body cells – tissues
    13- The blood capillaries join between ends of ……… and ……… .
    arteries – veins

    14- Blood consists of ………, ……… , ……… and ……… .
    red blood cells – white blood cells – platelets – plasma
    15- The blood is ……… liquid that transfers ……… and ……… to all body parts.
    red – oxygen – digested food Question two:
    Write one function for:
    1- Heart
    Pumping blood to all body parts.
    2- Valve
    Making blood move from atrium to ventricle only.3- Blood platelets
    Helping forming blood clot.
    4- Plasma
    Transferring digested food.
    5- Red blood cells
    Carrying oxygen for cells and get carbon dioxide out.

    6- White blood cells
    Attacking microbes.

    7- Arteries
    Transferring blood from heart to body parts.
    8- Vein
    Transferring blood from body parts to heart
    9- Blood capillaries
    Transferring food and oxygen to all body cells and tissues.
    Question three: Give reasons for:
    1- Heart acts as a pump.
    Because it pushes blood to all body parts.

    2- There is a valve between atrium and ventricle.
    To make blood move in one direction (from atrium to ventricle).

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد أبريل 28, 2024 11:29 am