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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

    الجهاز الدورى والدوران للصف الخامس

    عضو فعال
    عضو فعال

    عدد المساهمات : 114
    نقاط : 56641
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2009
    العمر : 49

    الجهاز الدورى والدوران للصف الخامس Empty الجهاز الدورى والدوران للصف الخامس

    مُساهمة من طرف atwa الإثنين مارس 15, 2010 8:54 pm

    The circulatory systemAnd circulation الجهاز الدورى و الدوران
    The circulatory system : it is the system that transfer the digested food , oxygen and water to the body cell and carries waste away from the cell
    It consists of:
    1-The Heart
    2-The Blood Vessels
    الاوعية الدموية
    3-The Blood

    A-The Heart: It is a strong muscular hollow organ, About size a of your fist.قبضة يدك

    Function of the heart : pump the blood to all part of the body

    * The heart is located within the chest cavity between the two lungs
    Heart consists of:

    1) Four rooms (chambers), full of blood connected to blood vessels.

    2) Heart has two sides, each side consists of two rooms, there is a wall separating between them to prevent mixing the blood found in both sides.

    3) Left side consists of left atrium and left ventricle while right side consists of right atrium and right ventricle.

    *Function of The valves: فائدة الصمام
    there is a valve between each atrium and ventricle allows blood to pass from the atrium to the ventricle and prevents it from returning back.

    B- Blood Vessels ( pipelines) الاوعية الدموية

    Blood flows inside network of blood vessels.
    Arteries: الشرايين

    * Arteries :Transfer blood from heart to all parts of the body.

    Arteries carry blood rich in oxygen except the pulmonary artery.

    *The blood vessels that emerge from the heart are called Arteries.
    : Transfer blood from different body parts to heart.

    Ex four pulmonary veins – vena cave

    3- Blood Capillaries:الشعيرات الدموية

    Blood capillaries :Network of thin walled vessels located within the tissues and around cells

    . Connect between ends of arteries and beginning of veins.

    1- the veins.

    2- the blood capillaries .

    C- The Bloodالدم

    The blood : it is a red liquid circulate in the body
    It contains:
    Red blood cells (corpuscles):خلايا الدم الحمراء

    Red blood cells (RBC'S) :Red cells without nuclei.

    They carry oxygen for cells and get rid of carbon dioxide out.

    White blood cells: خلايا الدم البيضاء

    White blood cells (WBC'S): White cells with nuclei

    of different forms.

    *They defend and attack the microbes inside the body.
    Platelets: الصفائح الدموية

    : Small sized cells.

    They form blood clot to stop bleeding in case of wounds.

    4-Plasma: البلازما

    Plasma :Yellow watery fluid.

    They contain food that cells need.

    The blood circulation : الدورة الدموية

    : it is the path of blood through out the body .

    It include

    Blood Circulation consists of:

    - Minor (pulmonary) between heart and lungs.

    - Major (systemic) between heart and other body parts.

    (A) The minor (pulmonary) blood circulation.

    It is the blood circulation between the heart and the two lungs.

    (b)The major (systemic) blood circulation

    1-oxygenated blood pass from lungs to left atrium

    2-oxygenated blood pass from atrium to left ventricle

    3-oxygenated the blood pump to all body through aorta

    4-the deoxygenated blood return to right atrium

    5-the deoxygenated blood pass from atrium to right ventricle then pump to the lungs .

    How to maintain the circulatory system:

    1) Keep exercising to strengthen the heart muscle.

    2) Eat healthy and balanced food (lowing fat and salt).

    3) Drink suitable amount of water daily.

    4) Avoid accidents and wound.

    5) Avoid smoking and smokers.

    6) Eat more fruit and vegetables fresh and clean.

    Give reasons for:

    *1- The two sides of the heart are separated.

    To prevent the mixing of blood in the two sides of the heart.
    *2- The heart contains valves.

    To allow the blood to pass from the atrium to the ventricle and not in the opposite direction.
    3-Blood flows in one direction inside the heart

    Due to the presence of one way valve between each atrium and ventricle.
    4- The wall of the left ventricle is more thicker than that of the right one.
    Because the left ventricle pushes the blood to all the body parts, while the right ventricle pushes the blood to the two lungs only.
    5-Blood capillaries have thin walls,

    To allow the blood to deliver food and oxygen to the cells and then carries carbon dioxide and wastes.

    6-. It is necessary to keep exercising.

    To strengthen the heart muscle and to activate the blood circulation.
    7- Smoking must be avoided.

    Because it harms the heart and weakens the blood circulation.
    8- It is necessary to avoid the exposure to infections and accidents.

    To keep our circulatory system healthy.

    Complete the following statements:

    * The heart is located within the chest cavity between the………….

    *The heart is a muscular …………., which always full of…………..

    * The heart consists of……………. chambers connected to ………..

    *The blood flows inside a network of pipelines called ……………….
    *The blood vessels that emerge from the heart are called …………..

    *Vessels that carry blood to the heart are called ……………..

    * The blood consists of……. , white blood cells…. and ….

    Blood circulation:

    The path of blood throughout the body:

    Heart beats:

    Heart pumps the blood to all body parts and it is called heart pulses.


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 2:56 am