مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مدرسة برديس التجريبية لغات

    اسئلة للصف الرابع الابتدائى لغات ( دراسى ثانى )

    عضو فعال
    عضو فعال

    عدد المساهمات : 114
    نقاط : 55161
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/04/2009
    العمر : 49

    اسئلة للصف الرابع الابتدائى  لغات  ( دراسى ثانى ) Empty اسئلة للصف الرابع الابتدائى لغات ( دراسى ثانى )

    مُساهمة من طرف atwa الإثنين مايو 10, 2010 11:06 pm

    Choose the correct answer:
    * The is an example of unicellular living organisms
    frog — snake — yeast fungus — bean plant)
    * A hawk is an example of
    (producers — consumers — decomposers — all the previous)
    * Undigested food is assembled in the
    (stomach — small intestine — large intestine — duodenum)
    * Force is measured by unit.
    (kg — meter — m/sec — Newton)
    * The dry cell produces energy.
    (heat — electric — sound - light)
    * By increasing the effective force on a movable object, its motion
    (decreases — increases — still constant — all the previous are correct)
    * is non-renewable source of energy.
    (Coal — Water falls — Wind — Rising and ebb tides)
    * All the following living organisms are producers except
    (green algae — maize plant — bread mold wheat plant)
    * On vibration of a spring, on exchange happens between
    (potential energy and electric energy — potential energy and kinetic energy — potential energy and heat energy — potential energy and light energy )
    * The absorption of digested food takes place in
    (large intestine — small intestine — stomach — esophagus)
    * are example of producers. (Algae — Cows — Fungi — Lions)
    * The measuring unit of speed is
    (Newton — meter — m/sec — km)
    * In the respiratory system, gas exchange process takes
    place in the (trachea – nose - alveoli — two bronchi)
    * Which of the following can be existed in a plant cell and can’t be existed in an animal cell
    (nucleus — chloroplasts — cytoplasm — cell membrane)
    * Plants use in the process of photosynthesis.
    (oxygen — nitrogen — carbon dioxide — water vapour)
    * Sail boats move on the surface of River Nile by the pushing
    force of (water — wind — ropes — motor)
    * Solar heater changes light energy into energy.
    (heat— sound — electric — kinetic)
    * are examples of decomposers.
    (Algae — Reptiles — Fungi — Birds)
    * Windmills move by the pushing force of
    (the hand - the motor — the wind — the water)
    Put ( √ ) or(x):
    * Sun is the main source of energy on the surface of Earth. ( )
    * Wind is one of non-renewable resources of energy ( )
    * On filling the spring of car toy, kinetic energy changes into potential
    energy ( )
    * Small bits of paper are attracted to a rubbed plastic ruler. ( )
    * Natural gas is considered as the cleanest type of fuel. ( )
    * Sound stops when the tunning fork vibrates. ( )
    * Yeast fungus is a unicellular organism. ( )
    * To obtain the electirc energy, we must open the electric circuit. ( )
    * On filling the spring of car toy, kinetic energy changes
    into potential energy. ( )
    * Sound stops when the vibration of tunning fork stops. ( )
    * Car motor works by natural gas or benzene. ( )
    * Exhalation air contains oxygen gas and water vapor. ( )
    * Sun and petroleum from renewable resources of energy. ( )
    * Saliva changes starch into sugar. ( )
    * The building unit of living organisms is the cell. ( )
    * The stomach belongs to the respiratory system( )
    * Small bits of paper are attracted to a rubbed plastic ruler( )
    * Force changes the state of the object. ( )
    * Bile juice helps the digestion of proteins. ( )
    * Solar cell changes light energy into electric energy directly. ( )
    * The plant grows in the presence of sunlight. ( )
    Write the scientific term:
    * The unit of structure in the living organism’s body
    * A path that the energy transmits in a form of food from
    * Sources include coal, petroleum and natural gas.
    * A fuel from the cleanest non-renewable resources of energy
    * The building unit in the living organisms.
    * A juice is secreted from the liver and affects fats digestion
    * The living organisms that can make their own food by themselves through the process of photosynthesis
    * The ability to do work.
    * A gas is used in photosynthesis process.
    * The measuring unit of force
    * The common organ between respiratory system and digestive system.
    * A system that gives the body needed energy to do all
    the activities
    * A liquid secreted in the mouth and helps in starches digestion.
    * A group of food chains represent the flow of energy through living
    * The electric charges that remain on an object.
    Complete the following statements:
    *Each jaw in an adult contains 16 …………divided into 4 ………….,
    2 ………….. and 10 ……….
    * Exchange of gases occurs in alveoli between ……….. . and ……………
    * Electric charges that remain on an object. Called …………….
    * In the human body, each organ consists of a group of …………. that consist of smallest units called ……………..
    * The measuring unit of force is ……………..
    * In the photosynthesis process the plant produces ………… and …………..
    * The food chain begins ………….. with such as …………..
    *…………….. muscle helps in the mechanism of respiration.
    * ……………. is a group of similar cells in function and structure.
    *…………… is considered from the renewable sources of energy.
    * Air enters into the lungs during the process of …………… and leave them during the process of ……………….
    * Plant cells are characterized from animal cells by presence of ………….. .and ……………….
    * Energy is the ability to do work
    * Sound originates from vibration
    *yeast And bacteria is an example of the unicellular living organisms.
    * The bile juice is secreted by liver
    * The plant cell and animal cell are similar in ………… .and ………….
    * Yeast fungus is used in making ……………..
    * Food chain begins with ………………
    * In electric lamp ……………. energy changes into……………. energy
    * From renewable sources of energy ………………
    * ……………. .feed on the organic remains.
    * Proteins are digested in ……………..and ………………….
    * The building unit of a living organisms is called …………….
    (B) This figure represents yeast fungus, write the
    labels on the drawing:

    1-………………… 2- ………………. 3-…………………..
    Arrange to form a food chain:
    Water beetle — Shark — Green algae — Fish
    …………..- ……….. - ………… - ………
    Q: complete :

    1- 2- 3-

    Give Reason for each of the following:
    **- Breathing through nose is preferable to that through mouth. التنفس من الانف يفضل

    **-. The exhaled air differs from the inhaled airهواء الزفير يختلف عن الشهيق

    **-. All the food chains begin with the producer organism. تبدأ السلسلة الغذائية بالكائنات المنتجة

    **-. Green algae are considered as producers. الطحالب الخضراء منتجة

    **- There are chloroplasts بلاستيدات in the cells of producers.

    **-. Decomposers have great economical and environmental importance.
    الكائنات المحللة لها اهمية عظيمة

    **- Force is an effect that changes the state of an object.القوه تغير من حالة الجسم

    **- You hear a sound when you tap a tunning fork. تسمع صوت عند ضرب الالشوكة الرنانة

    ** - When you ride a bicycle, some changes of energy happen. تحويلات من الطاقة

    **- On removing a nail from a wooden plate, the nail becomes warm.
    عند نزع مسمار من الخشب يصبح ساخناً

    **-. It is preferred to use the natural gas to coal يفضل الغاز الطبيعى عن الفحم

    **- The government gives attention to use natural gas instead of gasoline in means of transport. الحكومة تلفت الانتباه لاستخدام الغاز الطبيعى

    **- Attraction of small bits of paper to a ruler rubbed by your hair. جذب قطع الورق للمسطرة

    ** - The attraction of a rubbed balloon to a wall. جذب البالونه للحائط

    **- Battery is a main part in the electric circuit. البطارية عنصر مهم بالدائرة الكهربائية

    **- Don’t use the electric current of home when you perform an activity.

    • Food spoils if it is left outside the refrigerator for a long period of time.

    What is happen
    *the small intestine is removed from the human body ازيلت الامعاء الدقيقة

    * there is no mucus and hair in the nose لا يوجد شعر ومخاط فى الانف

    *Sun rays fall on a lens that is put over a piece of paper.الضوء يسقط على عدسة

    * A piece of fixed rubber is pulled, then is left.تسحب قطعة مطاط وتترك

    *You remove a nail from a wooden plate and why. عند نزع مسمار من الخشب

    *The absence of the Sun from Earth. غياب الشمس عن الارض

    *Petroleum is exhausted (run out) from Earth. نفاذ البترول

    *Absence of gasoline and natural gas for several days.غياب الغاز الطبيعى

    *We depend on the non-renewable resources of energy only. اعتمدنا على المصادر الغير متجددة

    *Rubbing your hair by a comb. تدلك شعرك بالمشط

    *Getting a ruler rubbed by a piece of wool close to small bits of paper.

    *Cutting the electric current off your home for one day. انقطاع الكهرباء من المنزل

    *Rubbing a plastic ruler by a piece of wool.

    *Rubbing an inflated balloon by a piece of wool, then getting it close to your hair.

    *Removing a battery from a closed electric circuit. تزيل البطارية من الدائرة الكهربائية

    *Closing a charged balloon to a wall.تقريب بلونة مشحونة من الحائط

    *You insert a copper plate and a zinc plate in a lemon, then touch them by your tongue.

    *The switch is absent from the electric circuit.غياب المفتاح من الدائرة الكهربائية

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 11:01 pm